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GIDS na Androidu sa NFC pametnim karticama

Demo Android aplikacija za autentifikaciju i preuzimanje tokena Poreske uprave

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Šta je uFR GIDS demo?

The demo application is intended to prevent development teams working on projects in which envisioned autentifikation with the help of NFC smart cards on Android devices posredstvom Generic Identity Device Specification (GIDS) standards.
It shows the possibility of using NFC and GIDS stanadard as a universal solution to any Android device with support for NFC, without the need of writing of Namen's software for a certain model of devices. If some of the readers from μFR series are used to read some of the readers from theμFR seriesis not necessary for Android device to support for NFC standard, which is significantly extended the selection of hardware that can be used in projects.

The source of this demo applications will be available as part of the SDK library package we provide for our NFC readers uFR series. Of course, it will also be available for other producers devices, for more precise conditions needed to send up

GIDS na Androidu sa NFC pametnim karticama

"Svaki Android telefon postaje mobilni terminal"

In short, this software solution will allow development teams to do something that so far was not possible. To develop universal software solutions to use GIDS standards for autentifikation using NFC smart cards on Android devices.

Today, it is probably the most current application in theeFiskalisationproject – the Republic of Serbia tax administration among us. Development teams who develop a own fiscal account processor (LPFR) and an electronic fiscal account system (ESIR) received a unique possibility with this solution to create easy software that will make a terminal from any Android device to use NFC bescontact cards for autentifikation on Tax Porave. The finance ministry otherwise providesdual interfacecards that can be used for contact and contact-contact autentifikation creating conditions for applying this kind of uncontact autentification.

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Kako funkcioniše uFR GIDS demo aplikacija?

Funcionisanje aplikacije prikazano je u okviru sledećih video uputstava:

1. uFR GIDS demo aplikacija - Autentifikacija NFC telefonom i dobijanje tokena od strane PURS-a

1.1 It needs to activate NFC option in developments and launch a FR GIDS demo application on mobile device

1.2 Then it needs waiting option Phone in the sektion "Select Device"

1.3 Unoss URL and Path of Namen's server for these envisioned fields

1.4 Unosi are assigned PIN among

1.5 Activating GET DATA options and carrying NFC cards along the phone (which can remain inslonje) is being being autentifikation and gets the server response, in concrete case of data related to the token of the Tax Administration. The user can continue working with the card via our library with APDU command in line with ISO 7816 standards.

2. uFR GIDS demo aplikacija - Autentifikacija eksternim NFC čitačem sa USB konekcijom

2.1 Priključiti uFR Nano device on Android device with the help of USB kabl and launch uFR GIDS demo application on mobile device

2.2 Then waiting option for uFR reader in the sektion "Select Device"

2.3 Reader open option and sets links to reader

2.4 Unoss URL and Path of Namen's server in this envisioned fields

2.5 Unosi dodeljen PIN kod

2.6 Activation of GET DATA options and carrying NFC cards along with reader (which can remain resort) is being given to the server response, in concrete case data related to the token of the Tax Administration. The user can continue working with the card via our library with APDU command in line with ISO 7816 standards.

3. uFR GIDS demo aplikacija - Autentifikacija eksternim NFC čitačem sa WiFi konekcijom

3.1 It is needed to launch uFR GIDS demo application on mobile device

3.2 Then it needs waiting option for uFR reader in the sektion "Select Device"

3.3 Aktivira the option Use Advanced Options and crps IP addresses of readers, after which Reader option is activated.

3.4 Unoss URL and Path of Namen's server in this envisioned fields

3.5 Unosi dodeljen PIN

3.6 Activating GET DATA options and carrying NFC cards along with reader (which can remain resort) is being being autentifikation and gets a answer of the servers, in particular case of data related to the token of the Tax Administration. The user can continue working with the card via our library with APDU command in line with ISO 7816 standards.

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For more information aboutuFR GIDS demo applicationcall number+381 12 541 022or write us
