APDU与Android设备和uFR系列阅读器的通信示例。显示使用uRF系列阅读器的命令和发送apdu到ISO 14443-4卡。下载项目,在Android Studio中开源,编译并运行。Ufr-lib-android类是这个项目的强制要求。uFR系列阅读器,Android Studio V1.5或更高版本,支持OTG的Android设备。注意:如果您的Android设备没有OTG支持,您仍然可以使用它,但前提是您需要使用我们独特设计的APB - Android Power Bridge设备。详细信息请查看D-logic网站。###安装无需安装uFR系列设备与Android的通信通过物理USB端口进行,并通过我们的串行协议建立。Android设备必须能够执行OTG功能,例如,Android将是一个主机,而阅读器是一个从设备。 Class ufr-lib-android is mandatory for this project, it adds functions and calls to device firmware features and commands. Please refer to documents related to serial protocol in /ufr-doc/ project for more details. ## Usage Example provides basic funcionality to establish communication channel with card, send and receive APDU commands. ## License This project is licensed under the ..... License - see the [LICENSE.md](LICENSE.md) file for details ## Acknowledgments * Purpose of this software demo is to provide additional info about usage of uFR Series specific features. * It is specific to mentioned hardware ONLY and some other hardware might have different approach, please bear in mind that.