#基本的软件示例集如何使用uFR系列阅读器API软件示例编写为Embarcadero(前Borland) c++ Builder。显示uRF系列阅读器的API的基本用法。三个基本使用软件的例子由难度级别组成:最简单,简单和高级。还添加了在winx64的Embarcadero XE7 VCL中使用的非常简单的示例。下载项目,在RAD studio中开源,编译并运行。您可以选择先使用预编译的二进制文件。适当的ufr-lib动态库(ufCoder-…)是这个项目的强制要求,选择它取决于平台和架构。先决条件uFR系列阅读器,Embarcadero工作室。###安装无需安装##使用实例提供基本功能,由难度等级组成: Simplest - getting card serial number (UID), reading and writing data by Linear functions, 2. Simple - expanded set of functions, use of reader and card keys, authentication methods, reader UI signals 3. Advanced- more functions added, like Block manipulation etc. ## License This project is licensed under the ..... License - see the [LICENSE.md](LICENSE.md) file for details ## Acknowledgments * Purpose of this software demo is to provide additional info about usage of uFR Series API specific features. * It is specific to mentioned hardware ONLY and some other hardware might have different approach, please bear in mind that.