Monitoring NGINX Ingress Controller

Introducedin GitLab 9.5

GitLab has support for automatically detecting and monitoring the Kubernetes NGINX ingress controller. This is provided by leveraging the built in Prometheus metrics included inversion 0.9.0and above of the ingress.


Prometheus integrationmust be active.

Metrics supported

Name Query
Throughput (req/sec) sum(rate(nginx_upstream_responses_total{upstream=~"%{kube_namespace}-%{ci_environment_slug}-.*"}[2m])) by (status_code)
Latency (ms) avg(nginx_upstream_response_msecs_avg{upstream=~"%{kube_namespace}-%{ci_environment_slug}-.*"})
HTTP Error Rate (HTTP Errors / sec) sum(rate(nginx_upstream_responses_total{status_code="5xx", upstream=~"%{kube_namespace}-%{ci_environment_slug}-.*"}[2m]))

Configuring NGINX ingress monitoring

If you have deployed NGINX Ingress using GitLab'sKubernetes cluster integration, it willautomatically be monitoredby Prometheus.

For other deployments, there issome configurationrequired depending on your installation:

  • NGINX Ingress should be version 0.9.0 or above, with metrics enabled
  • NGINX Ingress should be annotated for Prometheus monitoring
  • Prometheus should be configured to monitor annotated pods

About managed NGINX Ingress deployments

NGINX Ingress is deployed into thegitlab-managed-appsnamespace, using theofficial Helm chart.NGINX Ingress will beexternally reachable via the Load Balancer's IP

NGINX is configured for Prometheus monitoring, by setting:

  • enable-vts-status: "true", to export Prometheus metrics
  • "true", to enable automatic discovery
  • "10254", to specify the metrics port

When used in conjunction with the GitLab deployed Prometheus service, response metrics will be automatically collected.

Manually setting up NGINX Ingress for Prometheus monitoring

Version 0.9.0 and above ofNGINX ingresshave built-in support for exporting Prometheus metrics. To enable, a ConfigMap setting must be passed:enable-vts-status: "true".一旦启用,Prometheus metrics endpoint will start running on port 10254.

Next, the ingress needs to be annotated for Prometheus monitoring. Two new annotations need to be added:

  • "true"
  • "10254"

Managing these settings depends on how NGINX ingress has been deployed. If you have deployed via theofficial Helm chart, metrics can be enabled withcontroller.stats.enabledalong with the required annotations. Alternatively it is possible edit the NGINX ingress YML directly in theKubernetes dashboard

Specifying the Environment label

In order to isolate and only display relevant metrics for a given environment, GitLab needs a method to detect which labels are associated. To do this, GitLab will search for metrics with appropriate labels. In this case, theupstream标签必须的形式--*

If you have usedAuto Deployto deploy your app, this format will be used automatically and metrics will be detected with no action on your part.
