
The default settings provided byInfluxDBare not sufficient for a high traffic GitLab environment. The settings discussed in this document are based on the settings GitLab uses for, depending on your own needs you may need to further adjust them.

If you are intending to run InfluxDB on the same server as GitLab, make sure you have plenty of RAM since InfluxDB can use quite a bit depending on traffic.

Unless you are going with a budget setup, it's advised to run it separately.


  • InfluxDB0.9.5 or newer
  • A fairly modern version of Linux
  • At least 4GB of RAM
  • At least 10GB of storage for InfluxDB data

Note that the RAM and storage requirements can differ greatly depending on the amount of data received/stored. To limit the amount of stored data users can look intoInfluxDBRetention Policies.


Installing InfluxDB is out of the scope of this document. Please refer to theInfluxDBdocumentation.

InfluxDBServer Settings

Since InfluxDB has many settings that users may wish to customize themselves (e.g. what port to run InfluxDB on), we'll only cover the essentials.

The configuration file in question is usually located at/etc/influxdb/influxdb.conf. Whenever you make a change in this file, InfluxDB needs to be restarted.

Storage Engine

InfluxDBcomes with different storage engines and as of InfluxDB 0.9.5 a new storage engine is available, calledTSM Tree. All usersmustuse the newtsm1存储引擎as thiswill be the default enginein upcoming InfluxDB releases.

Make sure you have the following in your configuration file:

[data]dir = "/var/lib/influxdb/data"engine = "tsm1"

Admin Panel

Production environments should have the InfluxDB admin paneldisabled. This feature can be disabled by adding the following to your InfluxDB configuration file:

[admin]enabled = false


HTTP is required when using theInfluxDBCLIor other tools such as Grafana, thus it should be enabled. When enabling make sure toalsoenable authentication:

[http]enabled = trueauth-enabled = true

Note:Before you enable authentication, you might want tocreate an admin user.


GitLab writes data to InfluxDB via UDP and thus this must be enabled. Enabling UDP can be done using the following settings:

[[udp]]enabled = truebind-address = ":8089"database = "gitlab"batch-size = 1000batch-pending = 5batch-timeout = "1s"read-buffer = 209715200

This does the following:

  1. Enable UDP and bind it to port 8089 for all addresses.
  2. Store any data received in the "gitlab" database.
  3. Define a batch of points to be 1000 points in size and allow a maximum of 5 batchesorflush them automatically after 1 second.
  4. Define a UDP read buffer size of 200 MB.

One of the most important settings here is the UDP read buffer size as if this value is set too low, packets will be dropped. You must also make sure the OS buffer size is set to the same value, the default value is almost never enough.

To set the OS buffer size to 200 MB, on Linux you can run the following command:


To make this permanent, add the following to/etc/sysctl.confand restart the server:


It isvery importantto make sure the buffer sizes are large enough to handle all data sent to InfluxDB as otherwise youwill丢失数据。以上是基于缓冲区大小traffic for Depending on the amount of traffic, users may be able to use a smaller buffer size, but we highly recommend usingat least100 MB.

When enabling UDP, users should take care to not expose the port to the public, as doing so will allow anybody to write data into your InfluxDB database (asInfluxDB's UDP protocoldoesn't support authentication). We recommend either whitelisting the allowed IP addresses/ranges, or setting up a VLAN and only allowing traffic from members of said VLAN.

Create a new admin user

如果你想enable authentication, you might want tocreate an admin user:


Create thegitlabdatabase

Once you get InfluxDB up and running, you need to create a database for GitLab. Make sure you have changed the存储引擎totsm1before creating a database.

Note:If youcreated an admin userand enabledHTTP authentication, remember to append the username (-username ) and password (-password ) you set earlier to the commands below.

Run the following command to create a database namedgitlab:

influx-execute'CREATE DATABASE gitlab'

The namemustbegitlab, do not use any other name.

Next, make sure that the database was successfully created:

influx-execute'SHOW DATABASES'

The output should be similar to:

name: databases---------------name_internalgitlab

That's it! Now your GitLab instance should send data to InfluxDB.

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