InfluxDB Schema

The following measurements are currently stored in InfluxDB:

  • PROCESS_file_descriptors
  • PROCESS_gc_statistics
  • PROCESS_memory_usage
  • PROCESS_method_calls
  • PROCESS_object_counts
  • PROCESS_transactions
  • PROCESS_views
  • events

Here,PROCESSis replaced with eitherrailsorsidekiqdepending on the process type. In all series, any form of duration is stored in milliseconds.


这measurement contains the number of open file descriptors over time. The value fieldvaluecontains the number of descriptors.


这measurement contains Ruby garbage collection statistics such as the amount of minor/major GC runs (relative to the last sampling interval), the time spent in garbage collection cycles, and all fields/values returned byGC.stat.


这measurement contains the process' memory usage (in bytes) over time. The value fieldvaluecontains the number of bytes.


这measurement contains the methods called during a transaction along with their duration, and a name of the transaction action that invoked the method (if available). The method call duration is stored in the value fieldduration, while the method name is stored in the tagmethod. The tagactioncontains the full name of the transaction action. Both themethodandactionfields are in the following format:


For example, a method called by theshowmethod in theUsersControllerclass would haveactionset toUsersController#show.


这measurement is used to store retained Ruby objects (per class) and the amount of retained objects. The number of objects is stored in thecountvalue field while the class name is stored in thetypetag.


这measurement is used to store basic transaction details such as the time it took to complete a transaction, how much time was spent in SQL queries, etc. The following value fields are available:

Value Description
duration The total duration of the transaction
allocated_memory The amount of bytes allocated while the transaction was running. This value is only reliable when using single-threaded application servers
method_duration The total time spent in method calls
sql_duration The total time spent in SQL queries
view_duration The total time spent in views


这measurement is used to store view rendering timings for a transaction. The following value fields are available:

Value Description
duration The rendering time of the view
view The path of the view, relative to the application's root directory

Theactiontag contains the action name of the transaction that rendered the view.


这measurement is used to store generic events such as the number of Git pushes, Emails sent, etc. Each point in this measurement has a single value field calledcount. The value of this field is simply set to1. Each point also has at least one tag:event. This tag's value is set to the event name. Depending on the event type additional tags may be available as well.

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